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Query events using various filters. Omitting a filter means that events with any value in that field will be returned. In order to reduce the number of results, the FIS page automatically restricts the results to one season or even one month, if only few filters are used (see 'Details'). Filtering is case-insensitive and for place, string matching is partial.

query_current_events() queries for currently running events and is equivalent to calling query_events() with today's date.


  selection = c("all", "results", "upcoming"),
  sector = "",
  category = "",
  discipline = "",
  gender = "",
  place = "",
  season = "",
  month = "",
  date = ""

  selection = c("all", "results", "upcoming"),
  sector = "",
  category = "",
  discipline = "",
  gender = "",
  place = ""



which events should be returned: past events, where results are available ("results") or upcoming events ("upcoming") or both ("all")?


abbreviation of the sector, e.g., "AL" for alpine skiing. See the dataset sectors for possible values.


abbreviation of the category of the race, e.g., "WC" for "World Cup". See the dataset categories for possible values.


abbreviation for the discipline, e.g., "DH" for "Downhill". See the dataset disciplines for possible values.


abbreviation of the gender: "M" for male or "F" for female


location of the race. The API does not support special characters, but many are handled automatically (see 'Details').


year when the season ended, i.e., 2020 stands for the season 2019/2020. It is not possible to filter for multiple seasons at once.


numeric giving the month of the year to filter for. The month is only considered when also season is given. Not that the season runs from July to June, such that, say, month 11 in season 2025 is translated to November 2024.


date at which the event takes place. This must either be a Date or POSIXct object or a string in the format "%Y-%m-%d". If date is used, season and month are ignored.


A tibble with the following columns: start_date, end_date, place, nation, sector, categories, disciplines, genders, cancelled, and event_id.


The API does not support special character in the field place. The following special characters are handled automatically: à, á, å, ä, æ, ç, ć, č, ð, é, è, ê, ë, ï, ñ, ø, ó, ő, ö, œ, š, ß, ú, ü, and ž. Other special characters must be replaced by the suitable substitute by the user.

Results are always limited to events from a single season. If no season is explicitly provided, the current season is used. If no or few filters are applied, the results are further limited to a single month. If no month is explicitly specified, the current month is used.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# query alpine skiing world cup events in February 2024
query_events(sector = "AL", category = "WC", season = 2024, month = 2)

# query ski jumping events on the large hill in the season 2020/21
query_events(sector = "JP", discipline = "LH", season = 2021)

# query cross country events on 2023-03-07
query_events(sector = "CC", date = "2023-03-07")

# calling query_events() without any argument returns all events from the
# current month
} # }