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Query athletes using various filters. Omitting a filter means that athletes with any value in that field will be returned. Filtering is case-insensitive and for last_name, first_name, and brand, string matching is partial.


  last_name = "",
  first_name = "",
  sector = "",
  nation = "",
  gender = "",
  birth_year = "",
  brand = "",
  active_only = FALSE


last_name, first_name

last and first name. String matching is partial. The API does not support special characters, but many are handled automatically (see 'Details').


abbreviation of the sector, e.g., "AL" for alpine skiing. See the dataset sectors for possible values.


abbreviation of the nation, e.g., "SUI" for Switzerland. The value is matched exactly. See the dataset nations for possible values.


abbreviation of the gender: "M" for male or "F" for female


birth year. This also supports multiple years separated by commas (e.g, "1995,1998,2000") or year ranges (e.g., "1990-1995").


ski or snowboard brand used by the athlete. String matching is partial. The API does not support special characters, but many are handled automatically (see 'Details').


should the query be restricted to active athletes.


A tibble with the following columns: active, fis_code, name, nation, age, birthdate, gender, sector, club, brand, and competitor_id.

active is a logical indicating whether the athlete is still active. age gives the year as an integer, but this value is often missing. birthdate is returned as a character.


The API does not support special character in the fields last_name, first_name, and brand. The following special characters are handled automatically: à, á, å, ä, æ, ç, ć, č, ð, é, è, ê, ë, ï, ñ, ø, ó, ő, ö, œ, š, ß, ú, ü, and ž. Other special characters must be replaced by the suitable substitute by the user.

One use of this function is to get the competitor id for an athlete, which is needed in order to query an athletes results with query_results().


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# find Swiss athletes with last name "Cuche"
query_athletes("cuche", nation = "SUI")

# find French alpine skiers using Rossignol skis
  sector = "AL",
  nation = "FRA",
  brand = "Rossignol",
  active_only = TRUE

# find Loïc Maillard. Note that even if the "ï" may be used in the query,
# the name the name is returned without the special character.
query_athletes("meillard", "loïc")

# the query works the same without the special character
query_athletes("meillard", "loic")
} # }