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Query results for an athlete using various filters. Omitting a filter means that results with any value in that field will be returned. Filtering is case-insensitive and for place string matches are partial.


query_results(athlete, season = "", category = "", place = "", discipline = "")



a list or data frame with fields/columns competitor_id and sector that describe a single athlete. The easiest way to create such a data frame is through the functions query_athletes() or query_race(). These functions can return multiple athletes, but query_results() only returns the results for one athlete. If multiple athletes are passed, only the first one will be used.


year when the season ended, i.e., 2020 stands for the season 2019/2020. It is not possible to filter for multiple seasons at once.


abbreviation of the category of the race, e.g., "WC" for "World Cup". See the dataset categories for possible values.


location of the race. The API does not support special characters, but many are handled automatically (see 'Details').


abbreviation for the discipline, e.g., "DH" for "Downhill". See the dataset disciplines for possible values.


A tibble with the following columns: athlete, date, place, nation, sector, category, discipline, rank, fis_points, cup_points, and race_id.


The API does not support special character in the field place. The following special characters are handled automatically: à, á, å, ä, æ, ç, ć, č, ð, é, è, ê, ë, ï, ñ, ø, ó, ő, ö, œ, š, ß, ú, ü, and ž. Other special characters must be replaced by the suitable substitute by the user.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# in order to query an athletes results, we first
# have to obtain the competitor id, which is
# required for the query. This can be conveniently
# done with query_athletes().
odermatt <- query_athletes("odermatt", "marco")

# get all of his results

# get only World Cup Downhill results from the
# season 2023/2024
  category = "WC",
  season = 2024,
  discipline = "DH"

 # get all results from Kitzbühel. Note that the
 # umlaut is removed in the output.
 query_results(odermatt, place = "Kitzbühl")
} # }